These foundations, as indicated by Dr. Imad Abdel-Wahab Al-Sabbagh, are intended to be used Information Technology, and it was not in the interest of man to solve his problems and advance his life towards The best, breaking down all geographical, political, economic, intellectual, social and religious barriers Between individuals and the creation of an information society, which takes the form of a global village. It opened the door for me. Shutter before creativity Information technologies, as they came to serve information, research, analysis and distribution, contribute In the development of human knowledge, and based on this knowledge, people's lives will develop and develop their behavior, and therefore achieve a high degree of progress and growth, the useful saying is that we choose the distance time and we have linked the results to reasoning to find that all technological applications are satisfied Information has come together to achieve overall national development in one way or another. 1-14 Requirements of computer applications: The application of information technology in organizations and institutions requires adequate studies what you need and what you need to ensure the free flow of information and the realization existing objectives Who is behind the application of this technology and before buying computer tools, you must We ask ourselves a series of questions: o What are the reasons and motivations that led to thinking about computer applications o What are the shortcomings and weaknesses of the old system o What means and equipment do we need Do we have the material, human and infrastructure capacities to introduce this technology? What is the alternative if this step does not work o Will the introduction of this technology affect workers, production and the organization as a whole? Positive? Do we have the capacity to overcome the risks for information technology? Do we have a legal framework to benefit from computer applications? o Is there a will among employees to reduce the negative aspects of information technology Asking such and other questions will allow us to better know and know what to create Man buys this technology at prices exorbitant, then makes him get disastrous results The meager and disadvantages are not here in information technology, but in the lack of requirements for its application and which The most important of them are: o The Effective use and more efficient application of information technology often requires changes in the social structures and administrative systems that deal with technology. Provide the right place and the right atmosphere. Information technology is vulnerable to Dangers, whether nature, such as earthquakes, floods, humidity, heat or humanity, for example Vandalism and theft. o Pay attention to the management directives and the underlying content that you use to support the change. 1 innovative technology o Provide specialists with a high level of thinking, planning and innovation And management so that it can enter the popular information market, which intensifies competition between countries. 2 companies and organizations o Provides management's desire to adopt clear guidelines towards risk tolerance and risk taking And that only one role remains, it is a commitment to respond to requests, and reactions to what's going on. o The need to raise the levels of basic and university education and training and to add employment policy With other economic, political and social policies. f Develop a culture and a favorable climate that facilitate the application of information and communication technologies and participation in Information and flexibility in roles to achieve discrimination and technical excellence in institutions that are losing
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